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Two Spirit Guides One Story

Their we stood facing the entrance, it was now a little after twilight.. the in-between time, a strange mist hung in the air, we had a sense of being followed as we made the walk up onto the trackway, high up on the Ridgeway, she stood with long dark hair, she belonged to this twilight world, their sitting next to her on the Gatepost, Was Crow, yet A Raven seemed to sit on her Right shoulder, as if it was on guard, watching us, watching the land we stood upon... It was the in-between time for a good reason.. somewhere between All Hallowed Eve and Winter Solstice, it's hard to remember that many moons back... As we stood at the Entrance, my Heart raced, Yet We had been called, An appointment had been made..

Between the Innate and I, The Land and I, she was an Old God from the Old world.. Those who seek her are seeking for something solid, tangible yet often find only shadow and dream, yet are drawn on in their quest by the sound of ravens calling, often unheard, yet always felt... I stepped in, the darkness engulfed me, she whispers to me " Blood and Bones, Earth Rock Mud and Stone" I hadn't gone out of my way to seek her, it was more of a response on my part, I reach into my bag and light a candle, mist hung in the air, the air was charged, as I lit that candle, it went from dark to light, and their I sat in-between the worlds, the wheel hung in-between time, it rested in the darkest part of the year!! Everything went silent!!!

One of the first things I did when I moved into my humble little home was hang a beautiful fabric wall hanging on the door, that sits in the centre of the space.. I had brought it especially for this little house... I then laid down on the floor, I was so tired after a time of being homeless, living in a Hostel, learning to walk again, after major surgery, I was so extremely tired, I laid on that floor, filled with thanks and so grateful for the simplicity of having my very own front door...

I felt safe, secure, I could close my eyes and finally rest. I feel asleep on the floor with just carpet, no furniture, no belongings, yet to be moved and resourced.. At that point there wasn't even any electricity... I fell asleep for over 12 hours, As I awoke there was a slither of light in the cracks within the blinds. It had gone 6 in the morning and the sun was rising... I turned and gazed up at the wall hanging, she had watched over me whilst I slept I was so grateful.. In the coming weeks I felt The Morrigan leave, in my mind I could see her walk off towards the West, into the setting sun..

The weeks that followed I would often gaze up at the wall hanging... and one day in particular I felt a new presence around me, soft and gentle, yet strong, hair like fire, yet kind and compassionate, eyes of green.. I gently asked " Who are You, and what are you about?" the reply simply was " Dear Shane Who are you and What are you About?"

The Story Continues below


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