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Storytelling Holds Deep Magic

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Our Roots are Forged upon a collection of stories, a living world of tales, that changed and shifted from one teller to the next, an organic varied world of living breathing stories.. We live amongst those stories… What story do you carry, hold and share? Story telling is magic! Stories create magic and a sense of wonder in how we see the world. Stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others. A timeless art that has the power to captivate, inspire, and transport us to different worlds. As people as we travel through life , the stories travel with us… Passing down through generations, these stories reflect the wisdom and knowledge of the deep past!! Most of all we celebrate friendship, family, community, kin, and clan. For those are living breathing stories, sitting in a circle, together losing ourselves in the layers of the woodland, the layers of history , meeting the seen and unseen, the trees and their deep presence , star light , moonlight and heavy rain The storytelling is really where the medicine is,” yet we have lived through a time, where our innate nature to share stories has almost become lost and forgotten,The spaces for us to tell our stories had been disappearing, we have seen a generation or two, become storyless, no longer living and experiencing stories.. Yet it is through our individual and collective stories we continue to move from harm to healing!!

Contact Me

f you would like to explore the potential of creating a bespoke ceremony together, book one of our experiences or events,  embark on a Earth  journey, a journey  into remembrance,  please write to me and share more of what you have in mind!! in the meantime  Keep Shining 

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